RETURN OF STUDENTS TO ON-SITE LEARNING - (Returning Onsite Letter To Our Community - pdf version)
Tena tatou katoa,
Following the Prime Ministers announcement schools will reopen for senior students to learn onsite Tuesday, 26 October. Therefore, at this stage we are preparing for the return of Year 12 and 13 students next week. We request that Year 11 remain home and continue online distance learning.
We will review the return of Year 11 students the following week Monday, 1 November.
This allows the school time to support and re-engage Year 12 and 13 students to complete their internal assessments and prepare for the NCEA external exams.
The Hostels will reopen for Year 12 to 13 boarders return Monday, 25 October. Please arrive between 5pm and 6pm.
Year 9 and 10 students will remain home until further notice. Year 9 and 10 students will continue to receive online distance learning while at home.
The school will follow all the public health measures that are required to ensure we can keep everyone onsite as safe as possible.
- Please provide a copy of your son/daughters Covid vaccination status.
- People can access their COVID-19 vaccination record by registering for My Covid Record or by providing a copy of your son/daughter’s vaccination card
- Students who are unwell must stay at home if they feel sick or have flu like symptoms.
- Students who are unwell must stay at home if they feel sick or have flu like symptoms.
- Students will be sent home if they do not comply to school rules and the public health measures.
- Please return school chrome books if you were issued one over the lock down period.
- Bring your own drink bottle
- Packed lunches will be served to all and eaten outdoors.
- Classrooms will be well ventilated
- High touch surfaces will be cleaned and sanitised each day
- Physical distancing will be adhered to wherever practicable.
- QR code posters for the COVID app will be displayed.
- Entry to the main office will be closed. Students, staff and visitors will use the side window on the quad side of the school.
You can be confident that this approach is designed to keep children, teachers, and our community as safe as possible.
It is important everybody continues to play their part. Please follow all the Alert Level 3 requirements – stay at home if you are unwell, get tested if you have any symptoms, even mild ones, and keep track of where you have been.
Ngā mihi,
Chris Bean