Connexis Girls with Hi-Viz Workshop run by Water Care
Connexis Girls with Hi-Viz Workshop run by Water Care
Girls with Hi-Vis® gives female students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, hear from inspirational women in the industry and learn what a career in the infrastructure's civil, energy, telco and water industries can offer.

Wesley girls attended the Connexis Girls with Hi-Viz Workshop run by Water Care.

Hi Viz Workshop   Pic

( Left: Cassidy Lemanu, Middle: Genevieve Taepa-Kihi, Right: Makereta Ratu) 

They were exposed to the many and varied opportunities available to them career wise around Roading, Construction, Research Development, Engineering and Management.  

There were about 12 ladies at the Water Care organisation who shared their pathway journey into their line of work. Our girls were very engaged and encouraged by what they heard. 

We then took a tour of the facility to see how the Mangere Waste Water Plant operated and visited their mobile display trailer.

Our girls were great ambassadors of the school and even did a Tik Tok video with two of the Water Care staff which is going to be posted on their work site. 

Thank you very much for all the background work you did Natasha (Gateway Co-ordinator) to put this opportunity in place. The people at Water Care running the course were outstanding. 

Ka kite ano
Mr C Bean
Deputy Principal

This article was originally posted on: June, 16th 2022