Phones ‘Away for the Day'
Phones ‘Away for the Day'

Mobile Phones ‘Away for the Day’ Procedure 2025

International research indicates some key challenges with mobile phones at school such as being a major distraction for our students. These rules are designed to ensure that the learning of all students is maximised, while minimising any potential for distraction and cyber-bullying.  Our approach is “away for the day”, meaning mobile phones either do not come with the student to school or are kept securely in the hostel (boarders) or the school office (day students).

We accept that some students may choose to carry a mobile device during the normal school day but require they are not used during school hours. Devices should be kept switched off and should not be used when moving around the school site between 8.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.

Our ‘away for the day’ rule includes the use of headphones / earbuds and bluetooth speakers during the school day unless for learning purposes. An important part of school life is building positive relationships and engaging in social interactions; this is much more difficult when students are ‘plugged in’. 

It is important to note that if students do make the decision to bring a mobile phone to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to any mobile phone.

If students need to contact home for any reason, they should do so via the school office. Parents and caregivers should call the office if they need to contact their child during the school day.

Mobile phones ‘away for the day’ expectations

We encourage all students to self-manage their devices in a way that upholds our Kairangi values. In circumstances where usage has breached the school mobile phone rules the result will be confiscation of the phone by the staff member.  

The phone will be handed into the office as soon as possible and a receipt will be issued. The inappropriate use will be recorded in KAMAR and the parents/caregivers will be notified via email by the office.  

All confiscated devices will be kept in a secure location in a clearly labelled bag.  

Confiscated devices may be retrieved from the office on a Friday between 3.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. only. Exceptions to this will be at the discretion of SLT.

Breaches of the mobile phone rules include (but not limited to):

•      using the device when not permitted

•      any sort of bullying, including online bullying

•      taking photos or videos of other people without their permission

•      forwarding inappropriate messages or content.

Mobile phones ‘away for the day’ exemptions and exceptions

Learning activities

If mobile phones or headphones are used for a learning activity, this will be at the teacher's discretion and use will be supervised by a staff member. Students may be issued a permit by the classroom teacher for the period of time where phones are required. Guidelines on appropriate usage still apply.

Health and emergency situations

Students with additional learning needs who use mobile phones in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn will be granted an exemption. In matters related to a student's immediate health and safety concerns, a parent or caregiver can apply at any time to the principal for a period of exemption (e.g., medical conditions or protection issues).

Education outside the classroom (EOTC)

Students may take certain digital devices on EOTC activities but should check whether their device is allowed before the activity commences. Usage will be at the discretion of teachers and other adult supervisors.

Please note with all exemptions, appropriate usage guidelines and other relevant school rules still apply.

Note: students should not be accessing hostel common rooms or sleeping areas during instruction so these do not need to be monitored for compliance.


Procedural flow diagrams can be found below.

Phones Away Pic 1

Phones Away Pic 2

This article was originally posted on: January, 24th 2025